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A Brief Discussion on Manufacturers of Neodymium Iron Boron Magnets

Time:2023-09-05 Views:1

1. Analysis of the Principle of Magnetic Field Generation in Strong Neodymium Iron Boron Magnets

Strong neodymium iron boron magnets are the same as electricity, but they cannot be seen or felt clearly. They can only feel magnetism when the iron is close. Magnets are easy to make and have a wide range of applications. We all know that matter has a gravitational field between itself. Similar to a magnetic field, it is a type of field that fills the space around the magnetic poles. The size of the magnetic field can be expressed in terms of the number of imaginary magnetic field lines. The denser the magnetic field lines, the stronger the magnetic field. Conversely, if the magnetic field lines are sparse, the weaker the magnetic field.

A powerful magnet in motion will experience a type of Lorentz force on charged particles in the magnetic field. The magnetic field strength of charged particles is distinguished by the strength of their magnetic properties in different magnetic fields. Tesla is an international unit specifically used to measure magnetic flux density. The density of magnetic flux is the basic physical quantity that describes its magnetic field, and the magnetic field strength is the auxiliary quantity that describes the magnetic field.

2. Strong magnets are known as permanent magnets, so do they really not demagnetize?

Strong magnets are known as permanent magnets, and demagnetization is not related to time. There are two main factors that cause demagnetization: temperature and oxidation. If the temperature exceeds 300 degrees Celsius above the Curie temperature, demagnetization will occur. If the protection is not good and it is oxidized, it will also lose magnetism, which is also the biggest reason for the failure of magnets during application. Strong magnets have the characteristics of small size, light weight, and strong magnetism, making them the most cost-effective magnetic field to date. Magnets, as the third generation rare earth permanent magnet materials, have a high performance to price ratio and are widely used in industries such as energy, transportation, machinery, medical treatment, IT, home appliances, etc. Especially with the development of the knowledge economy represented by information technology, they have brought new applications to functional materials such as the rare earth permanent magnet industry, which brings broader industry prospects for the neodymium iron boron industry.

3. Based on how much kinetic energy a powerful magnet can store

The sintered neodymium iron boron permanent magnet is a type of iron based permanent magnet material manufactured using powder metallurgy technology, which is based on the amount of kinetic energy that a powerful magnet can store. The main processes include formula melting, powder making, forming, oriented sintering, mechanical processing, electroplating treatment, etc. The control of oxygen content is an important indicator to measure the level of technology. The amount of kinetic energy that a magnet can store for an object, even after long-term application, the magnetic energy of a magnetic field, teds, is the kinetic energy generated by the magnetic field per unit volume of data, which is a physical quantity of the amount of kinetic energy that a magnet can store. Commonly used magnetic measuring instruments and equipment include magnetic flux meter Tesla meter, also known as Gaussian meter magnetic measuring instrument. A magnetic flux meter is used to measure magnetic induction flux. A magnetic flux meter is used to measure comprehensive magnetic performance.
