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Magnetic gas experience

Time:2023-07-19 Views:1

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology used lithium-6 isotopes. Lithium -6 contains three protons, three neutrons and three electrons. It belongs to Fermion (Half-integer spin particle), and has similar characteristics with electrons, which can be used to simulate the behavior of electrons. They used an infrared laser beam to capture the ultracold lithium atomic air mass and cool it to only 15 billionths of a Kelvin higher than Absolute zero. As the atomic repulsion gradually increases, several phenomena observed by researchers indicate that the gas has become highly magnetic. The atomic gas mass first grows and then suddenly contracts. When atoms are released from the trap, they suddenly expand rapidly. These phenomena are completely consistent with the theoretical predictions of magnetic phase conversion.

Laser cooling is the preferred method used by physicists to reduce the temperature of gas close to Absolute zero. In order to cool the gaseous lithium to the ideal temperature, researchers used a set infrared laser beam to irradiate the lithium gas cloud. In order to make gaseous lithium cool enough, the researchers will shoot a set infrared laser beam into the lithium gas cloud. The laser "knocks out" the atom to keep it still, reducing the Thermal motion of the atom, and thus reducing the temperature of the gas. The contraction of the gas and the expansion rate of the gas after the laser is turned off indicate that lithium atoms have become magnetic.

Professor Scott Pritchard, the research leader, stated that this study has helped deepen people's understanding of magnetic characteristics at the smallest level and will have practical impacts on many fields, with the data storage field having the greatest impact. With the help of this research achievement, many physical obstacles that restrict computer memory will be easily solved.
