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Molecular magnetism

Time:2023-07-06 Views:1

Molecular magnetism, molecular magnetism is a major breakthrough of China University of Technology in the field of single molecule basic research. Imagine a revolutionary change: today's laptops are made of semiconductor materials, making them easy to carry. However, in the future, we can still make computers look like watches and wear them on our wrists, or fold them up and put them in our pockets like handkerchiefs. However, their computing power and storage capacity are 100 or even 1000 times that of today. Recently, the China University of Technology's research on the change and control of single molecule magnetism has laid an important foundation for the advent of this new type of computer. In September 2005, the China University of Technology "operated" on a molecule 10000 times smaller than the diameter of the hair with a fully enclosed ultra vacuum microscope, which not only turned a non magnetic molecule into a magnetic one, but also could control and transform it. Science magazine in the United States commented that China's work has opened up a new field, taking the world's single molecule basic research to a new level, and providing broad prospects for the application of future optoelectronic devices and bioengineering technologies.
