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How to consider the specifications and types of magnets

When choosing NdFeB magnets, customers should choose the magnet trademark suitable for them according to their working temperature. If the working temperature is higher than the...

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What are the uses of magnets?

We already know what magnets are, why they can attract or repel each other, and how they generate a magnetic field. What can we do with magnets?There are many things around us that use magnets, such as compasses, speakers, headphones, electric motors, generators, transformers, refrigerator doors, and so on. These things all utilize various characteristics and functions of magnets, such as indicating direction, converting sound, converting electrical energy, storing information, and so on.In addition to these common uses, there are also some more advanced applications, such as magnetic resonance imaging in medicine, high-speed trains in transportation, superconducting circuits in science, and so on. These uses utilize some special physical phenomena and techniques, such as nuclear spin resonance, superconducting effects, quantum interference, and so on.Magnets are a very magical and interesting physical phenomenon, which not only allows us to feel the most mysterious forces in nature, b



How Magnets Are Made

I don't know if anyone has had such an experience, which is that the thing they really enjoyed playing with in class when they were young was a magnet, and because magnets can suck up iron or some metal products, generating a certain amount of attraction, it also made us children who didn't have too many toys play with great fun when we were young, but many people don't know how magnets are made? Today, the editor will show you how to make a magnet.We all know that magnets are divided into permanent magnets and non permanent magnets. Generally speaking, what we often see is permanent magnetic magnets, while non permanent refers to some magnetic devices that only have magnetism under specific circumstances. Generally speaking, electromagnets are the most common.Firstly, in the manufacturing process of magnets, the first step is casting. Copper, sulfur, nickel, iron, aluminum, and titanium metals are first melted into liquid in an electromagnetic furnace, and then the liquid



What you don't know about the Hall induction magnetic ring of the motor

Brushless motors and some fixed speed motors often require the use of Hall induction magnetic rings, also known as Hall induction magnetic poles in the brushless motor industry, because Hall induction magnetic rings are generally multipole magnetic rings (multiple N S), and their working principle is to rely on the multiple magnetic poles of the magnetic ring to induce Hall components, in order to test the speed and efficiency of the motor, and to control the operation of the motor based on the signals provided by the Hall induction magnetic ring.The Hall induction magnetic ring generally does not require too strong magnetism. As long as multiple magnetic poles are arranged and can provide magnetic pole signals to the Hall element, the Hall element can receive signals and work normally. Therefore, Hall induction magnetic rings are mostly isotropic ferrite magnetic rings, which are magnetically stable and have distinct magnetic poles, providing a stable magnetic pole signal for Hall ind



The main uses of different types of magnets

1. Neodymium iron boron magnet Rare earth permanent magnet is a contemporary strong magnetic permanent magnet, and its application is also common.It is specifically applied in various industries such as electroacoustics, permanent magnet DC motors, communication, automotive electronics, magnetic mechanical equipment, aerospace, electronic computers, electrical products, medical machinery, office systems, toys, packaging boxes, luggage and leather products, magnetic decorations, etc.2. Permanent magnet ferrite is used as a constant magnetic field in electricity meters, generator sets, telephones, speakers, televisions, and microwave heating components. It is also used in recorders, pickups, speakers, and magnetic cores for various instrument panels, used in electronic products such as radar detection, communication, navigation bars, and monitoring.3. The samarium cobalt magnet can operate at temperatures up to 300 degrees Celsius, while also possessing corrosion resistance and oxidation



The key to the production cost of strong permanent magnet lies in these points

Many customers may find that prices vary when purchasing strong permanent magnet magnets. What is the reason for this? Today, let's answer this question with everyone.What are the factors that affect the production cost of strong permanent magnets?It mainly includes the following five aspects: performance level, number of magnets, specifications and shapes, tolerance dimensions, and delivery time.1. Permanent magnets with high performance requirements have higher costs because the material price is more expensive, and the cost of permanent magnets for N52 is much higher than that for N35.2. The smaller the quantity and batch size of magnets purchased, the higher the processing cost.3. The more complex the processing shape of a permanent magnet, the higher the cost.4. The stricter the dimensional tolerance requirements for magnets, the higher the processing cost.5. The delivery time is also a factor, for example, the magnet manufacturer needs to expedite the delivery time reported t



How does a magnet generate a magnetic field?

Matter is composed of atoms. Atoms are composed of nuclei and electrons. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, while electrons rotate around the nucleus. Electrons have both charge and spin. When charges move, an electric current is generated; When current exists, a magnetic field is generated. Each electron can be seen as a tiny current loop that generates a tiny magnetic field. This tiny magnetic field is called an atomic magnetic field.In most substances, the spin direction of electrons in atoms is randomly distributed, so the atomic magnetic field they generate is also disorderly. These atomic magnetic fields cancel out or interfere with each other, resulting in the absence of a clear overall magnetic field for the entire substance. Such substances are called non-magnetic substances. But in some substances, the spin direction of electrons in atoms is arranged in a regular manner, so the atomic magnetic field they generate is also arranged in an orderly manner. These atom


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