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How to consider the specifications and types of magnets

When choosing NdFeB magnets, customers should choose the magnet trademark suitable for them according to their working temperature. If the working temperature is higher than the...

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Superconducting Magnet System

The superconducting magnet system is divided into two types: traditional cylindrical superconducting magnets and open superconducting magnets. Traditional superconducting magnets are mainly divided into two grades based on field strength: 1.5T and 3.0T. Among them, 1.5T is the mainstream magnet, and the use of 3.0T magnets is increasing year by year. There are mainly two types of field strengths for open superconducting Euros: 1.0T and 1.2T. The superconducting magnet system is also composed of a main magnetic field generating unit, a shimming unit, and a refrigeration unit. The main magnetic field generating unit is composed of a superconducting main coil and a superconducting magnetic shielding coil, the shimming unit is composed of a superconducting shimming coil or a passive shimming patch, and the refrigeration unit includes a dewar, a cold screen, and a cold head.This is a relatively early structural feature of magnetic resonance superconducting magnets. After more than a decade



Magnetic monopole.

Scientists have searched for Magnetic monopole in various ways, including using Particle accelerator to artificially manufacture Magnetic monopole, but they have not achieved anything. On September 4, 2009, Jonathan Morris and Alan Tennant from Dresden, St Andrews, La Plata and Oxford from the Research Center of the Helmholtz Association of Germany carried out a neutron scattering experiment in the Berlin Research Reactor. They found the Magnetic monopole for the first time and observed how it was produced in real matter. The material they are studying is a single crystal of Dysprosium titanate, which can crystallize into a quite significant geometric shape, also known as a calcine lattice. With the help of neutron scattering, researchers have confirmed that the magnetic moments inside the material have been reorganized into so-called "spin spaghetti," a name derived from the order of the dipole itself. Such a controllable network of tubes (strings) can be formed through the transmissi



Superconducting magnets are superior to conventional magnets in many aspects

(1) Superconducting magnets have no Joule heat loss during stable operation, which is particularly prominent for magnets that need to obtain a strong DC magnetic field in a larger space. This can save a lot of energy, and the required excitation power is very small, and there is no need for large water supply and purification equipment like conventional magnets. Large superconducting magnets have been used as core components in nuclear physics and high-energy physics research. The significance of High-temperature superconductivity magnets in this respect is more obvious.(2) Superconducting materials can have a high current density, resulting in small volume and light weight of superconducting magnets. They can also easily meet special requirements for high uniformity or high magnetic field gradients.(3) If a superconducting switch is connected in parallel to operate the superconducting magnet in a continuous current state, an extremely stable magnetic field can be obtained, and in prin



Magnetic repulsive substance

In June 1992, I accidentally discovered that the growth direction of vegetable bean plants was opposite to the rotation direction of clock hands, consistent with the rotation direction of typhoons. I conducted magnetic field experiments on the top of fresh plants and various other fresh and tender parts of this plant using magnets, and discovered a new physical phenomenon - the same polarity magnetization phenomenon (completely different from existing knowledge). This is a major breakthrough or discovery following the known "Earth is composed of three major types of magnetic substances". I have named these types of magnetic substances magnetic repulsive substances, or monopolar substances, abbreviated as repulsive magnetic substances.It is a new discovery, a new concept, a new theory, a new branch of the field of magnetic physics. It does not conflict with "universal gravitation" or "Coulomb's law". Its concept of gravity is that it is proportional to the product of magnetic field,



Magnetic rings add a lot of magic effects

As long as you think the purpose of your magnetic ring is endlessWe will use another prop called Magnetic Ring Companion with your magnetic ring, and you will be surprised by the magnetic ring companion. It is not only small in size and conceals people's eyes, but also looks like a devil. This new design will definitely take your magic to a new level.Simple disappearing and appearing items, as well as empty-handed fire effects, can all be achieved using magnetic ring companion props, and the performer's hands can be used to explain both sides



Unipolar magnet

A monopole magnet is similar to a Magnetic monopole. Magnetic monopole is a hypothetical magnetic particle with only a single magnetic pole in the north or south pole, which is proposed by scientists in the String theory of Theoretical physics. In the material world, this is quite special because magnetic particles usually appear in pairs in the form of dipoles (north and south poles). The existence of Magnetic monopole, which has never been discovered by scientists so far, is controversial in the scientific community. Therefore, Magnetic monopole can be said to be one of the important research topics in the 21st century physics.As early as 1931, British physicist Paul Dirac used Formula to predict that the Magnetic monopole exists at the end of the tube carrying the magnetic field (the so-called Dirac string). At that time, he thought that since electrons with Elementary charge exist in the universe, particles with basic "magnetic charge" should exist, which inspired many physicists t


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