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How to consider the specifications and types of magnets

When choosing NdFeB magnets, customers should choose the magnet trademark suitable for them according to their working temperature. If the working temperature is higher than the...

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Installation of magnets

Selection based on installation method: As the installation method for magnets, you can refer to different types of magnets in the magnet product series and choose the installation position suitable for this structure. Due to the fact that magnetic materials made of neodymium and cobalt are solidified from sintered materials, they are not resistant to impact and stress concentration, which needs to be taken into account during installation.① Please make sure to place the magnet on a flat surface② If installing a bolt or threaded magnet, please confirm that the holes and screw holes on the magnet are not misaligned③ Before installing the flat head bolt, please confirm that there is no garbage attachedSelection based on environment: Magnet magnetism may be lost due to temperature. When the usage temperature is higher than room temperature, the magnetism will weaken, and when the temperature decreases, the magnetism will return to its original state. However, it should be noted that when



Basic information of magnets

Cobalt magnet, officially called "Samarium–cobalt magnet", is only inferior to Neodymium magnet in magnetic strength. The advantage is that it is not easy to rust and has excellent high-temperature resistance. However, this type of magnet has poor mechanical strength and is very prone to cracking, so attention should be paid when using it.Neodymium magnet is also called neodymium iron boron magnet. Among existing materials, the magnetic force is the strongest and can exert strong magnetic force in smaller sizes. The disadvantage is that it is easy to rust. Together with cobalt magnets, they are called rare earth magnets. It is a general term for strong magnets and is a type of artificial permanent magnetThe advantages of Neodymium magnet are high cost performance, high remanence, high Coercivity, high energy product, and easy to process into various sizes, such as disk magnets, ring magnets, rectangular magnets, arc magnets, and magnets of other shapes.



Artificial magnetization of magnets

The invention of artificial magnetization method played a huge role in the application and development of the compass. It is also a major event in the development history of magnetism and geomagnetism.Shen Kuo of the Northern Song Dynasty mentioned another method of artificial magnetization in his "Mengxi Bi Tan": "The Fang family used magnets to rub the needle tip, which can guide." According to Shen Kuo, technicians at that time used magnets to rub the sewing needle, which can make the needle magnetic. From a current perspective, this is a method of utilizing the magnetic field of natural magnets to make the arrangement of magnetic domains inside the steel needle tend towards a certain direction, thereby making the steel needle show magnetism. This method is simpler than geomagnetic method, and the magnetization effect is better than geomagnetic method. The invention of friction method is not only the earliest in the world, but also creates conditions for the emergence of practical m



Magnetic watch

1. The working surface of the seat shall not affect the appearance defects. The spray paint on the non -working surface should be uniform and firm, and there must be no defects such as the lacquer layer peeling and rust.2. The tight nut should be flexible, the lock should be reliable, and the mobile parts should be flexible.3. Filtering magnetic table seat adjustment agency should not be less than 2mmI ~ IV Table seat work magnetic P1 and remaining magnetic P2,4. When the table seat is applied to the tablet holes and applies 1N along the axis line, its deformation (II ≤ 0.09), (III, IV ≤ 0.11).5. The plane tolerance of the working surface of the seat is 0.03mm, which is only allowed to be concave. Not counting within a range of 1mm edge of the working surface.6. The surface roughness of the working surface of the seat is 1.6um ..7. Labels and packaging, the name or registered trademark of the manufacturer, product name, specifications or size in the manufacturer of manufacturers. Befor



Magnetic watch

By turning the handle to rotate the magnet inside. When the two poles (n or s) of the magnet are in the direction of the bottom, that is, the n or S pole positive of the magnet of the magnet is magnetized, it is magnetized. Essence When the pole of the magnet is in the horizontal direction, and the middle of the NS is facing the soft magnetic material base (the middle of the long strip magnet is only very small magnetic, it can be regardless of) Without magnetic force, you can easily remove it from the surface of the steel.This magnetic watch seat uses two characteristics:1. The characteristics of magnetization and degeneration of soft magnetic materials;2. The intermediate magnetic field of the strip permanent magnet or the constant magnetic magnet is extremely weak and the magnetic field at both ends is extremely strong.



Magnetic principle

Most substances are not magnetic under normal circumstancesMost of the substances are composed of molecules, molecules are composed of atoms, and atoms are composed of atomic nucleus and electronics. Inside the atom, the electrons are constantly rotating and rotating around the atom nuclear. These two movements of electrons will produce magneticity. However, in most substances, the direction of the electronic movement is different and chaotic, and the magnetic effects offset each other. Therefore, most substances do not show magneticity under normal circumstances.Special substanceIronomagnetic substances such as iron, cobalt, nickel, or iron oxygen are different. The inside of its internal spin can spontaneously arranged in a small area to form a spontaneous magnetized area. This spontaneous magnetized area is called magnetic domain. After the magnetization of ferromagnetic substances, the internal magnetism is neatly neatly arranged and arranged in consistent direction, which enhances


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